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PUBLIC NOTICE City of Torrington ) County of Goshen ) State of Wyoming ) The Torrington City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, February 7, 2023 in the City Council Chambers at 436 East 22nd Ave. at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Doby, Council Members Deahl, Kelly, Patterson and Viktorin. Also Present: Clerk/Treasurer Strecker, Attorney Eddington, Director of Public Works Harkins, Chief of Police Johnson, Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes and Deputy City Clerk Anaya. Mayor Doby called the meeting to order. Councilman Kelly led the Pledge of Allegiance. Chief of Police Johnson administered the swearing-in ceremony for Police Officer Timothy Cross. Mayor Doby led the session with informational announcements on the following items: 1. Acknowledgement that former Councilman and current Goshen County Fire Warden William Law was recently recognized before the Wyoming Legislature for his more than 60 years of service; 2. Update on the Snow Removal Meeting that was held on 01-30-23. Mayor Doby encouraged the public to visit the City’s website ( and the Torrington Police Department Facebook page for snow removal meeting highlights and for further information regarding snow removal; 3. Update on the Wyoming Association of Municipalities (WAM) Winter Conference that was held in Cheyenne, Wyoming from 01-25-23 to 01-27-23; 4. Reminder to the public to be cautious while navigating slick streets during winter months; and 5. Request to the public to refrain from using their cell phones while driving. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to approve the consent agenda which includes the minutes from the 01-17-23 Council meeting as published and all actions therein be ratified. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Viktorin moved and Councilman Deahl seconded to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Doby presented for approval the following appointments: Airport Board – Shane Viktorin. Expiration of Term: 12-31-26; Council Committee Assignments – Herb Doby (Streets, Sanitation, Museum, Investment, Parks, Cemetery, Pool, Golf, Care Center Board), Wayne Deahl (Wage, Ambulance, Electrical), Richard Patterson (Mayor Pro-Tem, Investment, Evaluations, Health Insurance, Police, Wage Alternate Chair), Dennis Kelly (Water, Sewer, Shop, Fire, Vehicles, Buildings) and Shane Viktorin (Industrial Park, Airport); Industrial Park Committee – Shane Viktorin, Indefinite; Information Technology Committee – MOU – Shane Viktorin, Indefinite; and Wage Committee – Wayne Deahl. Expiration of Term: 12-31-26. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilman Viktorin seconded to approve the appointments as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Attorney Eddington read Resolution No. 2023-6 designating a director and alternate director to the Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska (MEAN) Board of Directors. Electrical Supervisor Dana Youtz and Mayor Herb Doby were appointed as director and alternate director respectively. Councilman Deahl moved and Councilman Patterson seconded to approve Resolution No. 2023-6 as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Julie Miller-Harshberger with the 307 Sports Bar & Grill requested approval of a catering permit for a Ladies Night event to be held on 02-10-23 from 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at 126 East 20th Avenue (Torrington Cinemas). Councilman Viktorin moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to approve the catering permit as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Ethan Fitch with the Mint Bar requested approval of a catering permit for a Torrington Volunteer Fire Department Awards Banquet to be held on 02-18-23 from 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at 436 East 22nd Avenue (Lincoln Community Complex Pony Express Room). Councilman Kelly moved and Councilman Viktorin seconded to approve the catering permit as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Doug Mercer addressed the Mayor and Council. He stated that he would like to request approval to reserve the date of 09-16-23 and the use of Main Street for the Classic Cars on Main Street event that is held annually. Mr. Mercer indicated that the Scottsbluff Valley Street Rods has already paid for advertising for the 09-16-23 date so they want to ensure that the use of Main Street is not granted to another applicant for that specific date. He commented that he will submit a complete special event permit application for the event approximately two months before the event date for official approval. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilman Deahl seconded to approve the reserving of the 09-16-23 date and the use of Main Street for the Classic Cars on Main Street event as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Viktorin moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to ratify the terms of the Vehicle Lease Agreement between the City of Torrington and Goshen County. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Doby noted the time had arrived for the Mayor and Council to adjourn from regular session and convene as a Board of Adjustment. Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes stated that Volunteers of America (VOA) requested approval of the final plat of the Southwest Wyoming Mental Health Center 3rd Filing of the Halco 1st Addition. He indicated as a reminder that VOA would like to vacate and replat Lot A of the Southwest Wyoming Mental Health Center 2nd Filing of the Halco 1st Addition. Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes commented that VOA presented a preliminary plat to subdivide the Lot A subdivision into a three lot subdivision on 11-08-22 to the Planning Commission and on 11-15-22 to the Board of Adjustment. He stated that the Planning Commission and the Board of Adjustment approved the preliminary plat request with the expectation that City staff and owners reach an agreement for the easements and right-of-ways of the final plat and the final plat request be submitted back to the Board of Adjustment for final approval. Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes indicated that since the stipulations set forth by the Planning Commission and the Board of Adjustment have been satisfied, staff recommends approval. Mayor Doby opened the public hearing for consideration of the final plat request. He asked for public comments in favor of or against the approval of the final plat request, none were heard. The public hearing was closed. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilman Deahl seconded to approve the final plat of the Southwest Wyoming Mental Health Center 3rd Filing of the Halco 1st Addition as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Doby returned the Mayor and Council to regular session. Director of Public Works (DPW) Harkins presented the bid results for the FY23 Facility Maintenance Garage. He stated that staff recommends awarding the bid to Goshen County Construction of Torrington, Wyoming in the amount of $218,000.00 and reserve $10,900.00 (5%) for contingency for a project total of $228,900.00. DPW Harkins indicated that a bid opening was held on 01-11-23 and commented that two bids were submitted in conformance with the bidding requirements. He stated that funding for the project was established in the FY23 Budget in the amount of $190,000.00 and indicated that the balance of the funding, $38,900.00, will be requested in the FY24 Budget. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to award the bid to Goshen County Construction of Torrington, Wyoming in the amount of $218,000.00 and reserve $10,900.00 (5%) for contingency for a project total of $228,900.00 as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Water/Wastewater Supervisor Troxel presented the bid results for a New 1 Ton Extended Cab Work Truck with Tool Box. He stated that all bids received exceeded the City of Torrington’s available funding and indicated that staff recommends rejecting all bids and re-bidding the vehicle in April of 2023. Councilman Viktorin moved and Councilman Deahl seconded to reject the bids for the New 1 Ton Extended Cab Work Truck with Tool Box and re-bid in April of 2023 as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND RE-ENACTING SECTION 12.32.082 OF THE TORRINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE, 2023 REVISIONS, RELATING TO AIRPORT GROUND LEASE. Director of Public Works (DPW) Harkins stated that he did some research at the request of Dean McClain. He indicated that Mr. McClain is interested in building a hangar at the Torrington Municipal Airport. DPW Harkins commented that it is the opinion of Mr. McClain that the current rate that the City is charging for the airport ground lease is inconsistent with what is being charged around the state. He stated that after conducting an extensive review, he agrees with Mr. McClain, therefore he drafted an ordinance revision that proposes a new rental rate of $0.07 per square foot of the platted lot area per year. DPW Harkins indicated that the current rental rate is $0.04 per square foot of the hangar’s covered floor area per month. Dean McClain spoke in support of the proposed new rental rate. Councilman Viktorin moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to approve the ordinance on first reading as presented. Motion carried unanimously. The bills from 01-18-23 to 02-07-23 were presented for payment. Councilman Kelly moved and Councilman Deahl seconded to approve the bills for payment as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Doby asked for public comments, questions or concerns. Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes gave a brief update regarding the accident that took place east of town on 01-25-23. Water/Wastewater Supervisor Troxel briefly updated the Mayor and Council on the status of the water line breaks that his department is currently working on repairing. Councilman Deahl moved and Councilman Viktorin seconded that there being no further business to come before the Mayor and Council to adjourn at 8:21 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. The following bills were approved for payment: 75276 AT&T MOBILITY cardiac monitor transmission fees 33.46;75277 BLACK HILLS ENERGY utilities-gas 10139.75;75278 MERITAIN HEALTH INC. premium-ins/life admin 47954.77;75279 VIAERO WIRELESS cell phone,wireless hotspots 649.17;75280 CITY OF TORRINGTON c/o PINNACLE BANK health reserve non-insured PR employee premium/MT positions 10407.75;75281 REGIONAL CARE INC. select flex admin 102.00;75282 STANDARD INSURANCE CO premium-long term disability 2392.30;75283 TORRINGTON EMPLOYEES INSURANCE premium 98701.70;75284 VERIZON WIRELESS TVFD cell phones 100.31;75285 WY RETIREMENT SYSTEMS retirement 76850.89;75286 WY RETIREMENT SYSTEMS Torr Vol EMT Pension 37.50;75287 DEPARTMENT OF WORKFORCE SERVICES workers compensation 6778.25;75288 WYRULEC CO Landfill Electric 598.54; 75289 WY DEPT OF REVENUE sales tax 23124.92;75290 AT&T MOBILITY modem for ambulance 40.04; 75291 CITY OF TORRINGTON payroll withholding 1124.28;75292 GOSHEN CO DISTRICT COURT CLERK payroll withholding 100.00;75293 GREAT-WEST TRUST CO LLC payroll withholding 1313.00;75294 NEW YORK LIFE payroll withholding 359.37;75295 SOUTH TORRINGTON WATER & SEWER DISTRICT museum-water/sewer 69.62;75296 TORRINGTON EMPLOYEES INSURANCE select flex contributions 3121.60; 75297 CENTURYLINK data lines 2335.03;75298 VERIZON WIRELESS cell phones 593.09;75299 DEPARTMENT OF WORKFORCE SERVICES past due premium-9300V code calculated incorrectly on original report 48.26;75300 LOVELAND, KELLY credit refund 148.93;75301 2133 KRISRON B108 LLC deposit refund 53.08;75302 GURULE, MACY deposit refund 78.09;75303 MCPHEE, DEBORAH credit refund 11.76;75304 KILTY, TARYN credit refund 149.19;75305 GUTIERREZ, NATHANIAL C. credit refund 1.98;75306 GOODE, JOSHUA & SHANNON credit refund 69.05;75307 PASCOE, KATIE ambulance overpayment 422.40;75308 CRIPE JR, RICHARD deposit refund 201.60;75309 SEDLACEK, BRITTNEY A. deposit refund 31.76;75310 MADSEN, JESSE deposit refund 10.96;75311 CURRIE, DAVID C. deposit refund 5.82;75312 RANDOLPH, ROBERT 2022 net metering bank refund 7.75;75313 21ST CENTURY EQUIPMENT LLC gasket,filler neck,key 125.37;75314 ARROW ELECTRIC OF TORRINGTON replace bad gfci outlet 110.00;75315 ALDEN, ERIC 2022 net metering bank refund 247.23;75316 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES garage door opener,tablets w/ cases,door hinge,rain/sprinkler gauges,work boots,planner, iphone case,swabsticks,calculator ribbons 1278.98;75317 APG MEDIA OF THE ROCKIES LLC FY2020 wastewater ad 480.00;75318 AVS DEVELOPMENT laser invoices 86.25;75319 B & C STEEL CORPORATION steel bottoms for dumpsters 3843.75;75320 INTERMOUNTAIN SALES INC. filter,bluetooth adapter 916.00;75321 BLOEDORN LUMBER CO-TORRINGTON screws,nails,fasteners,garage door remote,paint, nutdriver,washers,lock jaw utility box 299.84;75322 BOMGAARS SUPPLY INC. tape measure lever, hydraulic fluid,heaters,air conditioner cords,bolts,nuts,washers,charger,maintainer,automatic avd, extension cord,sawzall blade/torch,tape measure combo,battery 430.95;75323 BORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC. credit,wedge clamps,machine bolts,fuses,metal cover blanks,eye nuts,bushing inserts, street light,return,office lights,meter socket,deadend clamps,single anchors,extension rods,term/meter combos,tap connectors,pvc adapters 6270.00;75324 BROWN CO starter 177.00;75325 BUTLER'S SALVAGE & TOWING snow removal,towing fee 1874.66;75326 CAPITAL ONE TRADE CREDIT infrared temperature gun 85.49;75327 CASELLE INC. contract support & maint 2050.00;75328 SARGENT DRILLING CO efficiency tests 1000.00;75329 CENTURY LUMBER CENTER welded steel,hammer bits, wedge anchors,step ladder,brackets,storage hooks,mops,door stop,adhesive,couplings,elbows,pvc cement,primer,light duty tarp,hex caps/nuts,storage hooks,extender snow brush,garage door opener, snow shovels,coffee maker,garage floor coating,foam covers,paint tray liner,duplex receptacle,handy box,2-hole straps,clamp connectors,switch/outlet plates,cable 960.41;75330 CITYSERVICEVALCON LLC Phillips 66 terminal maint fee 16.00;75331 CITY OF TORRINGTON c/o FIRST STATE BANK optional sales tax 114048.84;75332 CO STATE UNIVERSITY registration fees 937.00;75333 COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ambulance supplies 86.50;75334 CONNECTING POINT copier all-inclusive service contracts/monthly charges 418.21;75335 CONTRACTORS MATERIALS INC. reflective bubble blankets,sonotubes,lens clean towelettes,barricade bars,filters,plugs,strainers,paint,poly straps 1461.65;75336 YODER GRAIN FEEDLOT snow hauling 1750.00;75337 DANA KEPNER CO INC. elbows,couplings,rubber gaskets,filler flanges, bonnet repair kits,insert stiffners 2668.98;75338 DECKER, STEVE degreaser 97.00;75339 DIVERSIFIED SERVICES INC. cleaning services 345.00;75340 EJS SUPPLY LLC side load dumpsters,lids for dumpsters 13844.65;75341 ELECTRO-TEST & MAINTENANCE INC. recloser repair services 4244.17;75342 ELITE K-9 INC. drug detection kits for K-9 training 748.76;75343 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC. curaplex OB kit,combitube roll up kit,maxxim sharps container 242.13;75344 ENERGY LABORATORIES INC. lab testing 1275.00;75345 FERGUSON US HOLDINGS INC. flanges,gaskets,epoxy sleeves,stnry rods SS 2755.82;75346 FRESH FOODS vinegar 17.56;75347 PRO QUALITY PEST CONTROL rodent control 90.00; 75348 GOSHEN CO ECONOMIC goshen bucks gift cards for employee birthdays 240.00;75349 GOSHEN CO ECONOMIC ¼ cent sales tax 28512.97;75350 GOSHEN DIESEL SERVICE installation of crank case filter, dump truck repairs 926.00;75351 USABLUEBOOK replacement sample cells/hach pocket colorimeter 138.64;75352 IDEAL LINEN/BLUFFS FACILITY SOLUTION mats,scrapers,sam dust/energy fees,sam garment fees,sam linen,coveralls,mops,towels 825.31;75353 IDEAL LINEN/BLUFFS FACILITY SOLUTION toilet paper,trash bags,spray deodorizer,paper towels,drain opener 755.35;75354 JAMES A. EDDINGTON PC City Attorney extended hours 264.56;75355 KATH BROADCASTING CO LLC tower rent,City council meetings 475.00;75356 KAUFMAN GLASS LLC plexiglass 32.00;75357 K & K COMMUNICATIONS paging service-elec meters 12.00;75358 L N CURTIS & SONS uniform shirts/pants 518.44;75359 LEE PUBLICATIONS INC. FY2020 wastewater ad 485.52;75360 WESTERN NE PAPERS FY2020 wastewater ad 141.64;75361 LIFEMED SAFETY INC. rechargeable batteries 1616.00;75362 LUJAN CLEANING SERVICE LLC cleaning,window cleaning 273.75;75363 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC. medical oxygen 111.00;75364 MASEK GOLF CAR CO connector,filter kits 537.56;75365 MCKEE, KAREN R. & MARTIN B. safety vest 13.00;75366 MECKLENBURG, MERVIN Court Appointed Attorney 920.00;75367 METAL SHOP AND REPAIR LLC angle iron,plate,weld hinge,trailer jack handle 713.00;75368 METROPOLITAN COMPOUNDS INC. rust/corrosion protectant 2383.10;75369 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC. dispatch 911 service contract 14426.37;75370 MOUNTAIN WEST TECHNOLOGIES CORP TVFD internet service 100.00;75371 NEWMAN SIGNS INC. square sign posts 2671.76;75372 NORMONT EQUIPMENT CO street sign posts 1199.89;75373 O'REILLY AUTO ENTERPRISES LLC filters,fuel pump,plastic bond,wiper blades,oil drain plug,micro v-belt,valve,capsules,motor oil,bar,tire gauge,extension,sockets 612.67;75374 OLSON TIRE CO tire repair,alcoa stem strt for aluminum wheel,new tire,valve stems,disposal fee 126.16;75375 OMEGA INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC. window cleaner 511.18;75376 ENVIRO SERVICES INC. lab analysis 111.00;75377 THE L L JOHNSON DIST CO filters 69.40;75378 PITTMAN ELECTRIC LLC pull wire & install disconnect 1002.99;75379 PNI WATER SOLUTIONS dispenser rentals,water 122.45;75380 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE tires 325.08;75381 POSTEN, REECE BENJAMIN boiler service call 127.50;75382 PRINT EXPRESS INC. ups,tee time books 1295.29;75383 QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC. neopost postage 713.45;75384 REGENCY MIDWEST VENTURES LIMITED PARTNER lodging fees 376.00;75385 RICHEY, MICHAEL air fuel 207.27;75386 RICHEY, MICHAEL Airport Operator Contract 1666.67;75387 RIVER VIEW SAND & GRAVEL LLC salt/sand 5062.93;75388 RIVERSCREEN INC. bearing,drum support plate,wheel assy 196.32;75389 ROSE BROTHERS INC. radius arms,element assy 169.72;75390 SAM'S CLUB/SYCHRONY BANK tape refills, envelopes,foam cups,file folders,odor eliminator,disinfectant 325.38;75391 VALLEY MOTOR SUPPLY wiper blades,couplers,filters,extreme pressure grease,brake cleaner,oil absorber,antifreeze,painted rotor,mini bulb,brake pads,diesel exhaust fluid,diesel 911 599.26;75392 TEAM CHEVROLET grill cover 90.00;75393 SNAP-ON CREDIT LLC yearly subscription for diagnostic tool for vehicles 561.00;75394 SNOW CREST CHEMICALS LLC hot water closed loop contract 145.00;75395 QUILL LLC toner cartridges, pens,soap,tape,sponges,paper towels,post it notes,febreze,batteries 704.71;75396 SOUTHWESTERN EQUIPMENT CO upper arm w/ bushing 1738.03;75397 TORRINGTON AMBULANCE CPR training for TVFD 850.00;75398 TORRINGTON OFFICE SUPPLY drum unit for laser printer,calendars,planners,tabbed divider sets,binders,storage boxes,pens,toner/ink cartridges,copy paper,hdmi cable,shredder,fasteners, rubber bands,label maker tape,signature stamps,notebook filler paper,electronic tape cartridge,easel pad,clear report covers,envelopes,receipt book,multi-fold towels,dry erase board 2402.73;75399 TORRINGTON ROTARY CLUB dues,youth program,paul harris fund 100.00;75400 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATIONS long distance 152.32;75401 TRIHYDRO CORP WWTP Pre-Treat Design Project 6686.10;75402 ULINE INC. welded steel workbenches 1485.94;75403 CENTURYLINK TVFD phone,data lines 259.32;75404 VIKTORIN, SHANE mileage reimb 114.63;75405 WAMCO LAB INC. full chronic toxicity test,C02 atmosphere control ph creep 1700.00;75406 SIMPLY CLEAN dishwasher repairs 47.00;75407 WESTCO windshield washer fluid,antifreeze,fuel hose,swivel,diesel supplement,filter,unleaded gas, premium dyed diesel 11897.24;75408 WY ASSOCIATION OF FIRE MARSHALS 2023 membership dues 35.00;75409 WY DEPT OF AGRICULTURE landfill scale license,airport license 80.00;75410 WY BRAND INDUSTRIES business cards 15.00;75411 WY DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION license plates 10.00;75412 RESPOND FIRST AID SYSTEMS OF WY 1st aid kit supplies 73.02;75413 TORRINGTON TELEGRAM legals 3304.33;75414 WY SECURITY SYSTEMS INC. alarm monitoring for pool 75.00;75415 WY WATER ASSOCIATION membership dues 2023 600.00;75416 WY WATER QUALITY & POLLUTION CNTRL WWQ & PCA membership 210.00;75417 MASID CHEVROLET CO DEF system repairs 330.00 Public Notice No. 8483 published in the Torrington Telegram on February 17, 2023.
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